July 2020


We are pleased to announce that the initial Board of Directers (acting) has formed for the new Eastern Madera County Recreation and Parks Project. The new members have held several online meetings and there is huge enthusiasm in the the mountain community.

July 20 Update:

1) 503c non-profit application has been submitted

2) We have acting Board members, still looking for a few more

3) Board member has reached out to Community College regarding site next to the Fresno River and Oakhurst Library and Park. The College is interested in selling it. They even suggested we buy it before they move to get the process started.

4) Board members spoke at Supervisors meeting today

5) Board members will speak at Comm College Trustees meeting next month

6) We are reaching out to local organizations and businesses to form partnerships

7) Developing logo and branding to begin fundraising

8) Developing web site and social media outreach