May 2021

Spring has sprung and summer in the mountains is just around the corner. With the close of another season lets talk about all the things we have been working on!

In The Park Summer Series

Our Summer Series will take place all summer long at the Oakhurst Community Park. Do you see something that interests you, get all the details about the events! Or stop by Fresno Flats Flea Market to sign up in person. This Saturday, May 8th 8am-2pm we will have a booth to talk about all the exciting things we are doing and take any sign-ups. Also we may have a few instructors on hand to give demo classes. We can’t wait to meet you!

Recreational Classes

We have a strong desire to bring recreational classes to the community. With the goal of build sustainable programming for the community members and the community facilities. We are releasing our summer schedule of classes that will be 4 week sessions for $40. We will have special offers if you sign up for more than 3 classes at a time and we are hoping that through the summer we will be able to start launching more classes geared towards our youth. So make sure you check our website under Classes for all the details.

Let’s Talk Bike Trails!

The guys at Pedal Forward and I have been in talks with a wonderful community member who has been gracious enough to open the doors for discussion to lease his land for a bike park next to Hensley Lake! We are still working out the details, but we are hopeful. With the knowledge from Mike and Jorge at Pedal Forward and their connections with the Yosemite South Gate Trail Cooperative we hoping to see if we can make this happen by the top of next year! So if you can DONATE this will help us afford the materials and support all the volunteers who have stepped up to assist with the the labor side of things. If you are interested in volunteering your time please contact us or the guys at Pedal Forward. We will collect your info and connect with you when we get digging!

Interested in Bike Trail Adventures check out our facebook page: Eastern Madera Bike Trails

Any Dog Lovers!

We officially started a small committee with some dedicated members who are willing to put in the work to get this dog park happening! Along with some positive involvement from some from Ahwahnee Hills Members we are beginning the process of information and cost gathering to submit a proposal to their board. Now, Ahwahnee is not the only place we want to see a dog park happen, so we are still on the look out for spaces in Coarsegold and North Fork that might welcome a dog park. So again, if you want to assist with the costs we welcome all DONATIONS and if you would like to volunteer with the any of the labor contact us and we will collect your information and connect with you when we get our hands in the dirt!

Also Check out our Facebook Group: Eastern Madera Dog Lovers

Skatepark Update

Much like the last update, we are still working on the legalities of the land which will allow us a home for the skatepark, as well as working diligently on the grant to support the funds needed for a skatepark. If you would like to volunteer or donate we would love to hear from you. As soon as we have a finalized layout we will share all the details with you. Until then, please feel free to share any and all thoughts on what you would like to see in the skatepark!

Until next time, be excellent to each other!
    Jennifer Mullikin
President of Eastern Madera Recreation and Parks