Category: News

Welcome to 2022!

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What a year we have planned…    We have so many exciting things to share with you. Eastern Madera Recreation and Parks (EMRAP) has been working hard in many different aspects to fulfill our promises and tenants of our three major goals. Centralize Resources, Volunteerism and Grant Writing Centralized Resources: We as a nonprofit seek ….  Read More

May 2021

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Spring has sprung and summer in the mountains is just around the corner. With the close of another season lets talk about all the things we have been working on! In The Park Summer Series Our Summer Series will take place all summer long at the Oakhurst Community Park. Do you see something that interests ….  Read More


July 2020

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We are pleased to announce that the initial Board of Directers (acting) has formed for the new Eastern Madera County Recreation and Parks Project. The new members have held several online meetings and there is huge enthusiasm in the the mountain community. July 20 Update: 1) 503c non-profit application has been submitted 2) We have ….  Read More